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How to install emulator Download emulatorHot Chase - MAME
NOTICE !!! All games on this web site I am testing by myself and all are fully functional, but provided only if you use our emulator and our game !!! Emulator and games are specially designed to work properly. Not like the other web sites that offer thousands dysfunctional games, which I personally just as surely as you hate. YOU ALWAYS MUST !!! 1 step: Download the game and add game to the folder "roms", 2 step: In runnig emulator mame32 to press "F5" for refresh games list !!! 3 step: Use only our specially designed emulator mame32 with our games. I will be very happy if the Games will post comments. A't it will be a commentary on the game or our website. I wish you much fun. Your GbitDescription
The whole game begins with an introductory video where a base (perhaps yours) appears. Which explodes and burns out of the burning flames your white porsche you drive. I do not really understand what the author of the game wanted to say. If your base or someone else was completely different, I do not know. What I do not understand is why you have a timed bomb in your car that will explode with your car if you do not pass a checkpoint within the set limit. When you go through the limit, the counter on the bomb resumes and you go to the next level. In this game named Hot chase you are in common traffic in the city and out of town so you have to avoid cars and trucks. You can also have different barrels, roadblocks and the like. Sometimes there are a group of soldiers who fire you from the machine guns, and perhaps the biggest opponent is an assault helicopter who is blazing for you from your machine gun. If the hit is then nicely displayed on the screen like a crack shot on your Porsche windscreen, which looks good. As I said, you are passing through the city then a desert or a forest. The last round of Hot chase you ride in the snowy landscape and if you do this round then you will see the final video where you stop by skidding your Porsche, get out of it and effectively shatter it until it finally explodes. The game was released in: 1988 Developer and Game Distributor: Konami Game is only for single player. Game Hot chase is one of first cars races in the world.
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